
Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Let's Reboot


It’s January 2020, and YOU MADE IT. Here you are all bright-eyed and committed to doing a new thing and expecting great things to happen in the upcoming year. It’s a new day, a new decade and a new year. You are here, but now what? I mean weren’t you here last year and the year before promising to get better, resolving to change.  You went to work to get all the information to make the changes to move out of that stale place. To become a better you and live your best life. But you could not move; you did not move. So, what are you going to do differently this year? I say to you Lets REBOOT. Yes, I said REBOOT.

The word reboot is defined as an act or instance of making a change in order to establish a new beginning.

Isn’t that exactly what you are looking for? A new beginning? The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being: the old is gone, the new has come. The old is gone. The old way of acting is gone. The old way of doing things is gone.  That old way of thinking is gone. The old way of seeing yourself as not enough when really you are everything God made you be and he said it is very good (Genesis 1:31). We are going to reboot this year and I mean the whole year. I am going to right be your side as we climb mountains, walk through valleys and then soar toward the blessings, dreams and the love we desire. 
Last year or maybe for a few years there were some areas of your life that we can say you “got lost in the sauce”. You started out on top of the world ready to take it on. You were going to transform your life whether that was financially, mentally and physically. You were on fire. You were talking to all the right people, moving in the right circles and making moves. Then life happened and you were sidelined by circumstances, not under your control (illness, job loss or business failure, or sudden death of an immediate family member). You thought with just a little time you could get back on track but another major issue happens and you are on the floor not able to get up. Life has knocked you down completely and you don’t know how to get up. You feel alone, afraid and angry. You’re wondering where the God is you serve and how come he hasn’t shown up yet. You're thinking its rough down here and you remind God, in prayer, that he says that he would supply all your needs. You certainly need him right now.
Your emotions have gotten the best of you and every thought is how am I going to get up from here? What am I going to do if this or that does not work out for me? God, please? You have been here in this place for a month, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year or even more. Your emotions have you going up and down from day today. You are stuck. No, you are beyond stuck you have crashed. You can’t seem to get past this. You need a REBOOT.

Your spiritual life has taken a hit. You still love God but your feelings toward him have been hurt. You know he is there, but it seems that you have been Satan’s punching bag for a while. You need a release from the constant feelings of condemnations for feeling the way you feel towards God, but your feelings are bruised and raw. You want to just feel God the way you did before when it was good when worship was easy. but it has been a long time and you just don’t know.  If this is you, then you are in a careless place.  You have a few things at work right now that are preventing you from moving forward. My sister, you need a REBOOT.

This Reboot will be your rebirth. God has had you in a place of isolation and you have been there for a reason. There are some people, places and things that you need to reach but they will require a new outlook to be able to penetrate pass as the Bible puts it “ but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12.

You have been fighting and probably did not know it. I know I did not know. I just thought I was just as we say “going through” like a good servant of the Lord. But really I was fighting because I had a message that had to get out and if the “against posse” can keep me distracted by life concerns and issues I would never help the people that I was sent here to help. When you are hurting you can’t help nobody but yourself and sometimes not even yourself. I had to Reboot. I needed to be reborn.  I had to be revived. And guess what happened?  I got out of my stalled place and I am telling everybody that will listen about it and how to get out.


This year I am going to be blogging about three words that are at the root of our inner fight, Pain Trauma, and Impact.  These three words work hand and hand on how our lives are either careless or careful. When we are in pain and do not take the necessary action to relieve ourselves it becomes a trauma. Then that trauma starts to show up and if the painful area is not dealt with immediately and precise care, it will begin to have a negative impact on your lives. We become angry, cynical, disheartened and resentful. We either play the blame game (blaming others for your problems) or we become martyrs (we wear the pain like a badge of honor for everyone to see).

This year I will deal with all three words separately. I will break them down so you can see where you need a Band-Aid, a tourniquet or surgical removal. I will blog in a three-part quarterly series. Pain (Jan-Mar) Trauma (Apr- June) Impact (July- Sept) and ending the year with a conference where we can come together and see all the Careful warriors and hear how their success stories and power moves. Pain is the first in this series. Today I  will talk about the pain factor in its different forms of dis-ease.


Pain, as defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease)

The pain you feel is real and valid.  You have been through a lot. Whether that pain is spiritual, emotional, financial, mental, or physical, there is pain. Your pain may have initially been bearable.  You were able to function without thinking about the pain. Then as people, places, and things began to put more pressure on you the pain becomes worse.  Where you once could get up in the morning and feel the pain but go on with your day you can no longer do it. Now you can’t ignore it. That persistent sensation won’t let you go, and I am saying REBOOT.

Yes, the pain is there. Yes, you feel it daily. Yes, you feel like giving up. I know exactly what you are going through. But don’t give up. I want you to sit down. I want you to relax and take off those old worn-out shoes. Take off the cares of yesteryear and give them to Jesus (1 Peter 5:7). I want you to put on a new pair of shoes. If you like high heels put them on. If you like cowboy boots, well put that on. If you are like me, without arches on either foot, find a comfortable pair of boots or shoes because I need your feet shod. Yes, Shod. In Ephesians 6:15 it says “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; “. Your feet need to be ready because the warfare will change because your feet will take you to a new place because that pain will be going away.  Get your feet ready to stomp on the head of the “against posse” so you can live out your blessings, live out your dreams. Live out your mission and vision. My sisters this is it. Get ready to step into a new thing!

       How is pain showing up in your life that needs to change?

Will you join me? Do you want to come out of a state of pain? If so, the first step is to write down the pain in your life. Where is it? As the Lord said to Habakkuk 2:2And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Spiritual-Do you feel an absence of God in your personal relationship with him?
Mental- Do you feel that you are losing it more and more every day?
Emotional- Do you cry more and more every day in your quiet place?
Verbal- Do you lash out at people for anything and everything?
Financial- Are you spending money you don’t have on things you don’t need and complaining later once the bills come in?
Physical- Does your health need an immediate overhaul?
                                                        Sexual- Do I have to say it?

                         Let’s reboot for a new day, a new year and a new decade.

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