
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Carelessness Kills

Today I will start the blog a little differently. I’m starting with the story. This story will show carelessness at its best. The story comes out of the book of Exodus 32. The children of Israel where the wilderness waiting on Moses who was at the top of Mount Sinai talking with God. Now God had shown his love for the children of Israel by delivering them out of the Egyptians. He did not allow the 10 plagues that he placed on Egyptians to affect his people (Exodus Chapters 7-12). He delivered them for the hand of Pharoah and his man as they were going to the land flowing with milk and honey by drowning them in the Red Sea (Exodus Chapter 13-14). Once in the wilderness, they cried out to him for food and he rained down manna from heaven (Exodus 16). God even gave them his  Ten Commandments as a law to govern his people  (Exodus 20). They had just received the Torah and  40 days out of Egypt with Moses taking too long to God that they made a request rather a demand on Aaron, Moses second in command and his brother. They wanted an image that they could follow. They became careless. Their carelessness will cost them their lives.

Their carelessness was forgotten that God loved them. They forgot that they cried out to God to be free from the Egyptians and he did it. They forgot that God kept them while the ten plagues hit the land. They forgot God walked them out of Egypt with gold, cattle and all the owned and even some Epygtians stuff and Pharoah did nothing but let them go. Even when Pharoah came for them God delivered a million people across the dry Red Sea and then drowned Pharoah and his men. Doesn’t that look like love? 
He did not finish there. He fed them with manna from heaven. God covered them with a cloud by and night. He kept his people when others could have killed them. So why did they think a Golden Calf would help them?


What is your golden calf? What is the thing or things that are taking the place of God’s love? Most of us would not look at it that way but that is what it is. If we are not fixed on God we are fixed on something. Often time this happens when we are going through a hardship. When things are not going the way we want them to and we mistakenly believe that God is not with us. That he has turned his back on.That he has left us alone and/or forsaken us.  This is not true. Actually, God is there watching everything. God is right there loving on you. He is right there directing you. He’s right there counseling you. He’s right there guiding you. We need to feel and see everything right now. We need God to show himself in a human way in every moment of our lives. That why we have a terrible tendency not trusting in his love for us.  That why I say carelessness kills.

Carelessness will kill us

 Carelessness leaves us in a place where we can’t comprehend, grow or see. Jesus spoke on this with the seed parable (Matthew 13). Then we will become resentful. We condemn God for not being there for us. We call God an absentee Father and then we acted like we are orphans. We go out looking for other things to replace God.   The Israelis used a golden calf. How many of us have a Golden calf in our lives? How many of us have replaced God with a thing? We replace God with your jobs, with money, or a house.  We replace God with social media likes and love. We want to be influencers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We have replaced God with people. We want people to like and love so bad that we will do anything and everything to get that temporary like or love. We replace God with places. We want to go here and go there and I want to do this and that in this new place. We’ve never contended or happy with where God has us. What God really wants us to be. What God desires for us.

As I finish this, My goal this year is teaching on being careful. You  know I got another acronym for you and here it is :

The love of God is right there with you every day. Every moment of the day.  God cares for you (1 Peter 5:7) God is about his business which is you (Luke 2:49). He is a very real living God (Jeremiah 10:10). He is effective in freeing you (Joh 8:36).  He’s unbelievable  (Luke 1:37). Last but not least, he is love (1 John 4:8). He is looking out for you in ways you will not know until you reach heaven and see the reel of your life played back to you. God’s love surrounds you in such a way that even the devil has to ask permission to touch you. He loves was a lamb sacrificed on a cross so you can become his child (John 3:16). We are now heir with  Jesus (Roman 8:17) and we can go to the throne of grace and ask for help (Hebrews 4:16).

 My sisters in your pain you may have forgotten that God loved you and your carelessness may have led you down the wrong road. I ask you to turn around and come back home. He is waiting for you. Just like the prodigal son’s father ran to him God will come for you. He probably already has because you are reading this blog. My sisters be careful with your life. It was worth saving.

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