
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Carelessness Kills

January 23, 2020 0 Comments

Today I will start the blog a little differently. I’m starting with the story. This story will show carelessness at its best. The story comes out of the book of Exodus 32. The children of Israel where the wilderness waiting on Moses who was at the top of Mount Sinai talking with God. Now God had shown his love for the children of Israel by delivering them out of the Egyptians. He did not allow the 10 plagues that he placed on Egyptians to affect his people (Exodus Chapters 7-12). He delivered them for the hand of Pharoah and his man as they were going to the land flowing with milk and honey by drowning them in the Red Sea (Exodus Chapter 13-14). Once in the wilderness, they cried out to him for food and he rained down manna from heaven (Exodus 16). God even gave them his  Ten Commandments as a law to govern his people  (Exodus 20). They had just received the Torah and  40 days out of Egypt with Moses taking too long to God that they made a request rather a demand on Aaron, Moses second in command and his brother. They wanted an image that they could follow. They became careless. Their carelessness will cost them their lives.

Their carelessness was forgotten that God loved them. They forgot that they cried out to God to be free from the Egyptians and he did it. They forgot that God kept them while the ten plagues hit the land. They forgot God walked them out of Egypt with gold, cattle and all the owned and even some Epygtians stuff and Pharoah did nothing but let them go. Even when Pharoah came for them God delivered a million people across the dry Red Sea and then drowned Pharoah and his men. Doesn’t that look like love? 
He did not finish there. He fed them with manna from heaven. God covered them with a cloud by and night. He kept his people when others could have killed them. So why did they think a Golden Calf would help them?


What is your golden calf? What is the thing or things that are taking the place of God’s love? Most of us would not look at it that way but that is what it is. If we are not fixed on God we are fixed on something. Often time this happens when we are going through a hardship. When things are not going the way we want them to and we mistakenly believe that God is not with us. That he has turned his back on.That he has left us alone and/or forsaken us.  This is not true. Actually, God is there watching everything. God is right there loving on you. He is right there directing you. He’s right there counseling you. He’s right there guiding you. We need to feel and see everything right now. We need God to show himself in a human way in every moment of our lives. That why we have a terrible tendency not trusting in his love for us.  That why I say carelessness kills.

Carelessness will kill us

 Carelessness leaves us in a place where we can’t comprehend, grow or see. Jesus spoke on this with the seed parable (Matthew 13). Then we will become resentful. We condemn God for not being there for us. We call God an absentee Father and then we acted like we are orphans. We go out looking for other things to replace God.   The Israelis used a golden calf. How many of us have a Golden calf in our lives? How many of us have replaced God with a thing? We replace God with your jobs, with money, or a house.  We replace God with social media likes and love. We want to be influencers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We have replaced God with people. We want people to like and love so bad that we will do anything and everything to get that temporary like or love. We replace God with places. We want to go here and go there and I want to do this and that in this new place. We’ve never contended or happy with where God has us. What God really wants us to be. What God desires for us.

As I finish this, My goal this year is teaching on being careful. You  know I got another acronym for you and here it is :

The love of God is right there with you every day. Every moment of the day.  God cares for you (1 Peter 5:7) God is about his business which is you (Luke 2:49). He is a very real living God (Jeremiah 10:10). He is effective in freeing you (Joh 8:36).  He’s unbelievable  (Luke 1:37). Last but not least, he is love (1 John 4:8). He is looking out for you in ways you will not know until you reach heaven and see the reel of your life played back to you. God’s love surrounds you in such a way that even the devil has to ask permission to touch you. He loves was a lamb sacrificed on a cross so you can become his child (John 3:16). We are now heir with  Jesus (Roman 8:17) and we can go to the throne of grace and ask for help (Hebrews 4:16).

 My sisters in your pain you may have forgotten that God loved you and your carelessness may have led you down the wrong road. I ask you to turn around and come back home. He is waiting for you. Just like the prodigal son’s father ran to him God will come for you. He probably already has because you are reading this blog. My sisters be careful with your life. It was worth saving.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pain will make you careless

January 16, 2020 0 Comments

In this weekly blog, I would like to talk about pain and carelessness. They go hand and hand.  Friends they are. Let me give you an example. Think about when you stump your pinky toe on a wall or something. When that pain hits your body you can hardly stand. You will jump around or almost fall over.  Throbbing in pain you start to yell and scream or maybe even cussing because it hurts so bad.  That is what I mean by being careless. The pain will put you in a postilion where you will stumble out of pure agony. That sudden aching in your body will cause a chain reaction that makes you either scream out or kneel down.

The word careless means not giving sufficient attention or thought to avoid harm or errors. If you don't know let me tell you that I have written a book about careless relationships entitled " Know your Crazy Accept your Crazy'.  In this book, I address the issues of relationships that have left us in a state of craziness. I assist women in knowing their crazy and accepting it in order to have peace with yourselves. In the book, I talk mostly about our outside relationships but I would like to talk about the one we have with ourselves. Too often we are careless with ourselves. We will allow people to take us places we don't need or want to go and/or do things to us that harm us in ways that sometimes we do not recover from without the healing hand of Jesus. 

When we are in pain and don't pay attention to the matters that are affecting us we begin to become reactionary in our behavior. We develop an attitude of "I want to get them before they get me". The old saying goes "Hurt People Hurt People". We will scream and yell at people for things that are not their fault. We become so sensitive that it seems that everyone is looking to harm us. We judge every action, look and possible body language to see if we can find a reason to snap. This is carelessness. Everyone is not out to get you or make you feel bad. You are in pain and until you address your own issues and concerns you will continue to fight against everyone and/or yourself instead of dealing with the problem.

The carelessness that we have comes from us sitting and stewing in the "what they did to me "pot. When we don't take responsibility for what we did or did not do to get us out of pain. Now let clarify what I am saying. 
I believe that anything that happens to you as a child is not your fault. You have every right to feel hurt and pain because of someone else actions toward you. That pain is real. But that pain should not and can't control your whole life. When you have been a victim of someone else you have to learn how to become victorious and live a life of freedom. When we are adults and start doing things on our own(making an adult decision about who we are and where we want to be) then you have to be careful with your life and how you live it. 

I leave you with a story of a woman that was careless with her relationship with God. Her name was Miriam, Moses' sister. She was a sister to the man that was to take God's people out of the land of oppression to the land flowing with milk and honey. She was a prophetess for the All-Mighty God. Miriam had seen the blessings, miracles, and wrath of God. But at some point her relationship with God change. In chapter 12 of Genesis, she was angry that Moses as going to divorce his wife and instead of going to talk to Moses she went to her brother Aaron and criticizes Moses' position in God. I going stop right here and say What is meant for you is for you. God anoints each one of us with the gifts that only we can handle. Miriam had no right to question, God. Be careful that you don't become a when person. This is a person that remembers you back when and can't grasp the new you when God appoints you. This often happens with family but friends and fellow church members can be a part of the when committee. 


Are you careless in the seven areas of your life ( Spiritual, Emotional, Verbal, Mental, Finacial Physical or Sexual?
Where do you find you hurt the most?
Are you willing to seek out help?
Is it possible for me to help you?

If you need and want to work one on one through your journey of pain I am here for you. You can reach me at email address cyntrob01@yahoo.com.

Thursday, January 09, 2020

Pain is the word

January 09, 2020 0 Comments

This week we will be discussing the word pain. This word is one that we know well because we are either in pain or coming out of it.  Pain for some of us is something we can't tolerate. Once it appears we deal with it immediately. But for some pain becomes a friend that we know well and we refuse to let go. We seat with it and will complain about it but won't let it go because we find comfort in the pain.

 Pain, as it is defined in Merriam- Webster dictionary is "localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease)." This means that somewhere in your body, there is a dis-ease.  Dis-ease can be physical, emotional, mental or even spiritual. It may start as a little discomfort but can turn into a constant sensation that won't let you go. I love acronyms so here is mine for pain. I describe it as the following:

A- Aggravating
I- Invited
N -Nature

The P stands for  Persistent.  Persistent is defined "as existing for a long or longer than usual time or continuously".  The persistent dis-ease will show up regularly to remind you to fix that issue you have not dealt with. It will continue to appear until you take care of it. A few examples would be the doctor's appointment that you need to make but haven't even though your stomach is bothering you. You know you need to get that lump that is under your armpit looked at. You have not been happy at work for a few months but you stay because it is convenient. The Lord is calling you back to him but you ignore the call by making excusing as to why you are not listening to him.  When we do not deal with the issue the issue will deal with us. 

The A stands for Aggravating.  Aggravating is defined as "arousing displeasure, impatience, or anger". Have you noticed that when our pain is persistent that you because of anger about how you are feeling? Maybe you become impatient with how long the pain is staying around. I mean some days it comes and goes and then others it lingers. You either suffer in silence or to complain to everybody that will listen. The ironic thing is that you won't deal with it and yet you mad it.

The I stands for Invited. Yes, I said invited.  The word invited means "to increase the likelihood of". The likelihood of you uninviting the pain is not. You could get rid of the pain by simply addressing the issue but you refuse. You either fear what's causing the pain( lost love, physical harm, mental anguish, or spiritual abandonment )  or you know the area of discomfort and can't bear dealing with it. You believe that this will just add to your pain. You rather keep the unwanted discomfort than gets right with yourself. 

The last letter is N for Nature.  The word nature means  "the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing". What is your nature? Do you have integrity or deceitful? Are you loyal or unfaithful?  Are you loving or unloving? Are you kind or mean?  Do you have self-control or you self- indulgent? Your nature is your inherent character. It is what you believe about you.  Look at your nature and you will see why your pain is lingering?

Now, I have shown you the negative side of pain but there is a positive side to pain. That right pain can have a positive side. When pain is plural it turns positive. The word pains mean trouble, care, or effort taken to accomplish something. When we take pains to resolve an issue we are working to be careful with our lives. When we pains are taking you to begin to move in the right direction to turn things and start a new. You will then go to the doctor and find out that lump is just an ingrown hair and not a tumor.  You will start looking for a new job or start that business you always wanted.  You will begin to listen to the voice of God and move closer to him knowing that he loves you always. When you take out the fear of moving to the next level in your life instead of complaining about the facts that were you are is not working anymore. When you begin to love you to so much that negative in your life no matter has placed you will see the pain will go away.

  Pain finds Comfort  

Can I leave you with this story? In the book of Luke chapter  8, a woman had an issue blood. Her issue plagued her for 12 years. She went to doctors they were no help. She spent all she had looking for help to stop the pain and to no avail. Then one day Jesus comes to town and she knows in her spirit that if she could get to him she would be healed. She had no doubt that is what she needed to do. She pressed her way through the crowd and when that didn't work, she got down on her knees and crawled just so she could touch the hem of his garment. Once she did that her Pain touched Jesus' comfort and turned her life around. Jesus said to her "Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace. 
My sisters, when was the last time your faith made you whole. When you trusted in God to the point that you didn't need his whole hand, but the pinky tip would do.  Your pain or issues would go away if your faith would allow for no doubt.

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Let's Reboot

January 01, 2020 0 Comments


It’s January 2020, and YOU MADE IT. Here you are all bright-eyed and committed to doing a new thing and expecting great things to happen in the upcoming year. It’s a new day, a new decade and a new year. You are here, but now what? I mean weren’t you here last year and the year before promising to get better, resolving to change.  You went to work to get all the information to make the changes to move out of that stale place. To become a better you and live your best life. But you could not move; you did not move. So, what are you going to do differently this year? I say to you Lets REBOOT. Yes, I said REBOOT.

The word reboot is defined as an act or instance of making a change in order to establish a new beginning.

Isn’t that exactly what you are looking for? A new beginning? The bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being: the old is gone, the new has come. The old is gone. The old way of acting is gone. The old way of doing things is gone.  That old way of thinking is gone. The old way of seeing yourself as not enough when really you are everything God made you be and he said it is very good (Genesis 1:31). We are going to reboot this year and I mean the whole year. I am going to right be your side as we climb mountains, walk through valleys and then soar toward the blessings, dreams and the love we desire. 
Last year or maybe for a few years there were some areas of your life that we can say you “got lost in the sauce”. You started out on top of the world ready to take it on. You were going to transform your life whether that was financially, mentally and physically. You were on fire. You were talking to all the right people, moving in the right circles and making moves. Then life happened and you were sidelined by circumstances, not under your control (illness, job loss or business failure, or sudden death of an immediate family member). You thought with just a little time you could get back on track but another major issue happens and you are on the floor not able to get up. Life has knocked you down completely and you don’t know how to get up. You feel alone, afraid and angry. You’re wondering where the God is you serve and how come he hasn’t shown up yet. You're thinking its rough down here and you remind God, in prayer, that he says that he would supply all your needs. You certainly need him right now.
Your emotions have gotten the best of you and every thought is how am I going to get up from here? What am I going to do if this or that does not work out for me? God, please? You have been here in this place for a month, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year or even more. Your emotions have you going up and down from day today. You are stuck. No, you are beyond stuck you have crashed. You can’t seem to get past this. You need a REBOOT.

Your spiritual life has taken a hit. You still love God but your feelings toward him have been hurt. You know he is there, but it seems that you have been Satan’s punching bag for a while. You need a release from the constant feelings of condemnations for feeling the way you feel towards God, but your feelings are bruised and raw. You want to just feel God the way you did before when it was good when worship was easy. but it has been a long time and you just don’t know.  If this is you, then you are in a careless place.  You have a few things at work right now that are preventing you from moving forward. My sister, you need a REBOOT.

This Reboot will be your rebirth. God has had you in a place of isolation and you have been there for a reason. There are some people, places and things that you need to reach but they will require a new outlook to be able to penetrate pass as the Bible puts it “ but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12.

You have been fighting and probably did not know it. I know I did not know. I just thought I was just as we say “going through” like a good servant of the Lord. But really I was fighting because I had a message that had to get out and if the “against posse” can keep me distracted by life concerns and issues I would never help the people that I was sent here to help. When you are hurting you can’t help nobody but yourself and sometimes not even yourself. I had to Reboot. I needed to be reborn.  I had to be revived. And guess what happened?  I got out of my stalled place and I am telling everybody that will listen about it and how to get out.


This year I am going to be blogging about three words that are at the root of our inner fight, Pain Trauma, and Impact.  These three words work hand and hand on how our lives are either careless or careful. When we are in pain and do not take the necessary action to relieve ourselves it becomes a trauma. Then that trauma starts to show up and if the painful area is not dealt with immediately and precise care, it will begin to have a negative impact on your lives. We become angry, cynical, disheartened and resentful. We either play the blame game (blaming others for your problems) or we become martyrs (we wear the pain like a badge of honor for everyone to see).

This year I will deal with all three words separately. I will break them down so you can see where you need a Band-Aid, a tourniquet or surgical removal. I will blog in a three-part quarterly series. Pain (Jan-Mar) Trauma (Apr- June) Impact (July- Sept) and ending the year with a conference where we can come together and see all the Careful warriors and hear how their success stories and power moves. Pain is the first in this series. Today I  will talk about the pain factor in its different forms of dis-ease.


Pain, as defined in Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a localized or generalized unpleasant bodily sensation or complex of sensations that causes mild to severe physical discomfort and emotional distress and typically results from bodily disorder (such as injury or disease)

The pain you feel is real and valid.  You have been through a lot. Whether that pain is spiritual, emotional, financial, mental, or physical, there is pain. Your pain may have initially been bearable.  You were able to function without thinking about the pain. Then as people, places, and things began to put more pressure on you the pain becomes worse.  Where you once could get up in the morning and feel the pain but go on with your day you can no longer do it. Now you can’t ignore it. That persistent sensation won’t let you go, and I am saying REBOOT.

Yes, the pain is there. Yes, you feel it daily. Yes, you feel like giving up. I know exactly what you are going through. But don’t give up. I want you to sit down. I want you to relax and take off those old worn-out shoes. Take off the cares of yesteryear and give them to Jesus (1 Peter 5:7). I want you to put on a new pair of shoes. If you like high heels put them on. If you like cowboy boots, well put that on. If you are like me, without arches on either foot, find a comfortable pair of boots or shoes because I need your feet shod. Yes, Shod. In Ephesians 6:15 it says “And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; “. Your feet need to be ready because the warfare will change because your feet will take you to a new place because that pain will be going away.  Get your feet ready to stomp on the head of the “against posse” so you can live out your blessings, live out your dreams. Live out your mission and vision. My sisters this is it. Get ready to step into a new thing!

       How is pain showing up in your life that needs to change?

Will you join me? Do you want to come out of a state of pain? If so, the first step is to write down the pain in your life. Where is it? As the Lord said to Habakkuk 2:2And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

Spiritual-Do you feel an absence of God in your personal relationship with him?
Mental- Do you feel that you are losing it more and more every day?
Emotional- Do you cry more and more every day in your quiet place?
Verbal- Do you lash out at people for anything and everything?
Financial- Are you spending money you don’t have on things you don’t need and complaining later once the bills come in?
Physical- Does your health need an immediate overhaul?
                                                        Sexual- Do I have to say it?

                         Let’s reboot for a new day, a new year and a new decade.