How was your January?
January 30, 2018
Today is the last day of the month of January. There will never be another January 31,2018. So in saying that, what have you done for yourself this month? Did you find joy in your life? Did you enjoy the snow or did you have sunshine for January?
Did you read the book you purchased or watch that movie you have been dying to see now that all of the holiday festivities are over?
Did or will you start a new thing this year? Maybe you will take a class or classes to improve your skills for a promotion or a new job? Maybe you will start going to the gym to help improve your body for no one but you. Maybe you have decided a vacation is needed and you have started planning where you are going and with whom you are going with. Has the entrepreneur bug gotten a hold of you? Are you going to start that business that is deep in your soul? I believe you are ready for all the new things about to happen in your life.
I pray that no matter what your life throws your way you keep going. I pray that you push pass the craziness that will show up and try to distracted you. I pray that you say to yourself "I got this " and move forward and do it with joy. I pray that you will on purpose move slow and steady in the direction of your destiny.
The next month is February and it will stand for FEAR/FREEDOM. We will be freeing ourselves so we become the fearless daughters of God. I hope you keep coming back weekly for a new word that can encourage,enlighten and empower you through your lives crazy.
Always remember my crazy is real but I will grow through it.