
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

How was your January?

January 30, 2018 0 Comments

Today is the last day of the month of  January. There will never be another January 31,2018. So in saying that, what have you done for yourself this month? Did you find joy in your life? Did you enjoy the snow or did you have sunshine for January?
 Did you read the book you purchased or watch that movie you have been dying to see now that all of the holiday festivities are over? 

Did or will you start a new thing this year? Maybe you will  take a class or classes to improve your skills for a promotion or a new job? Maybe you will start going to the gym to help improve your body for no one but you. Maybe you have decided a vacation is needed and you have started planning where you are going and with whom you are going with. Has the entrepreneur bug gotten a hold of you? Are you going to start that business that is deep in your soul?  I believe you are ready for all the new things about to happen in your life. 

I pray that no matter what your life throws your way you keep going. I pray that you push pass the craziness that will show up and try to distracted you. I pray that you say to yourself "I got this " and move forward and do it with joy. I pray that you will on purpose move slow and steady in the direction of your destiny. 

The next month is February and it will stand for FEAR/FREEDOM. We will be freeing ourselves so we become the fearless daughters of God. I hope you keep coming back weekly for a  new word that can encourage,enlighten and empower you through your lives crazy.
Always remember my crazy is real but I will grow through it.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Are you a joy seeker , a joy chaser or you in joy?

January 24, 2018 0 Comments


   The month of January  I have dedicated to the word JOY. I believe that once you have God in your life that joy should follow.I mean the first time I came to the Lord there was joy. I was so happy. But something happened or rather life happened and my new found joy faded. I  wasn't as happy about being a Christian as before. I  felt condemned for not being happy about my salvation. 

When I received the Lord at church there was no salvation committee. I mean people were happy that I had given my life to the Lord at 13 years old. They hug me and I was baptized but no one told me what this new life would be and how to live it. I wasn't ready for this life and for the next 20  + years I would prove it. I can't count the number of times I went to the altar asking for forgiveness and being happy for a day or two(if I was really good) only to be either mad, sad or suicidal later that same week. I was a hot mess.

I called this my joy seeking phrase. I was seeking joy but can't hold on to it. I would have it for a moment and then it was gone. And when it was gone I would seek joy in different places (boys, men, kids and suicide attempts). I was like that seed that Jesus taught about in the Bible

In Matthew 13 Jesus teaches about a sower planting seeds. The parable dealings with what happens to the seeds when it falls on the different grounds. I have been all these seeds at some point in my life. In my first part of my salvation, I was the wayside seed (Mat.13:19). I was not receiving the word and so it made it easy for my joy to fade.

  The second attempt at salvation came after the death of my son. God blessed me to see my son leave this earth and walk into heaven in a dream. God got my attention when I was at my lows point and I was his again. I was in church just about every day. I would only watch or listen to things about God.I was now chasing joy.  I had a great church family and my kids were happy as well. But I was still missing something. After being in total love with God for 5 years  I walked away from him and stayed an away for 13 years. 

  My chasing joy phrase for me was when I know God but didn't  trust him. I denied his power in my life. The way I perceive God was a scary man in the sky looking down at me ready to condemn me. I only feared him because I didn't  want to go to hell. I don't believe I loved God back then. I was the seed on stony ground or in the thorns  (Mat. 13:20-22).

The final and last attempt for God to get me happened 13 years ago. I was lost and God asked one question and when I answered I was totally in the presence of God. I had the joy I had been looking for years. I was and have been in joy ever since. I am constantly with my Father. I love him because he first loved me. I love him for never giving up on me. I love him for being "I AM". He is not some judgemental, revengeful God looking to condemn me or a selfish absentee Father. He is a kind and loving Father that loved me before the earth was created. My seed is now on good ground (Mat.13:23). I'm content with my relationship with the Godhead. I am growing in grace and mercies. Every day is not perfect but the joy helps me. I have joy, what about you?

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Joy over Woe

January 17, 2018 0 Comments

Well, my sisters, January 1st has come and gone. All the Christmas decorations have been removed and put in boxes for next year (mostly). The New Year Eve celebrations have ceased. 2018 brings with it a new found hope for advancement, enlightenment and growth.  We start to dream of all the people, places and things we want to encounter this year. New jobs, new friendships, or even a  new house. No matter your dreams this can be the year they come true. These dreams can bring you joy or they can bring you woe into your life.

The word joy is defined as the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.
I started my post with a collage of words related to joy. One of the words that stuck out to me was content. This word is simple but has a complex meaning. In our modern society to be content means to settle. It means to give up going after what you want and accept the status quo. But in the Kingdom of God, the meaning is the direct opposite. As Apostle Paul put it so sweetly in Philippians 4:11  "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."

  To be content in the Kingdom means to have joy wherever you are no matter your present circumstances. We should never feel God has left us to fend for ourselves. In Psalms 139:17-18. It says How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.We are on the mind of our Father. We are his thoughts daily so we should feel no woes about our dreams.

 Woe is defined as a condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief. 
Let me first say that the word of God says Many are the afflictions of the righteous:but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Psalms 34:19.  

Now having said that as daughters of the living King whose kingdom covers all we should not have worry about the nouns (people, place or things).In Philippians 4:6 says  "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." We have to learn how to trust (rely on) God completely.
  I must confess that I was a worrier. I would seat and play out various scenarios in my head of how things would work out for me. I would have panic attacks and battle depression that would sometimes have me crippled in the bed. Days would try into weeks before I will see daylight. If it had not been for the love and patience of God  I would probably still be in the hell of my mind crying for him to come get me.  
 The scriptures that saved my life was Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 

 These scriptures change the way I thought about my life and the things in it. I have learned to put everything in God's hands and trust him that he knows what I need when I needed. No more mind ping pong and just peace in knowing he is able.

As we leave January and begin to move forward into this year my sisters trust God with your everything and your joy will be substance throughout the year.