
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Quarterly Recap

March 27, 2018 0 Comments

   The month of March ends in just a few days. We made it through the Winter and Spring is at hand. Goodbye coats, gloves and hats.No more snow and shovelling out.Hello, Spring showers and flowers and long warm days.

 If you are a Christian, you know we are in the holiness week of the year.  Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, Friday is Good Friday and Sunday coming is Easter. With, all of this going on  March has been a busy month. The saying for   March has been  it  will either come  as a lamb and leave out like a lion or vice versa. March for me has been a lion all month long. I need a break. As we  go into the second quarter of the year, I would like to do a recap of the first quarter of My Crazy Is Real.

I blogged in January and it has been a joy. I find that I am excited about every post and I pray that they are helping you. Each month has a theme word. January stood for joy.  Joy must be a part of our lives.  Jesus is your Judgement Free Zone. That should bring us joy. The love of God that turns our woes into joy. I am still wondering if you were a joy seeker, a joy chaser or in joy. 

In February I blog about fear and freedom. We can never be free if we walk in fear. Fear can be a purpose killer or a liberator. Fear does not have to keep us paralyzed but we can and should walk free in the liberty we have in Christ.  We can free ourselves by learning to give it all to Jesus. Once  free,  say goodbye to fear and hello freedom.

March we started moving forward. With purpose in mind, nothing will stop us. Some of us are ready to soar. As eagles, we are flying high. You may want everyone to come but that is not possible. Some of us are chickens. Chickens have to stay on the ground because they have the groundwork to do. Moving forward is difficult if  we are looking behind at what was. We need a strong foundation. I blog about the ABC's of moving forward. If your foundation is weak or unstable, you will fail. When we are on solid ground, we can walk tall and strong.

The month of April will stand for Acceptance.  I will go deeper into knowing yourself and learning to accept yourself. We are going higher my sisters. I hope you are ready for it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The ABC's of moving forward

March 21, 2018 0 Comments

In order for you to move ahead in your life's purpose, you have found what that entails. I mean can you move forward without a plan. What about having goals? What about being accountable to yourself or have someone else do it for you? No CEO of a major corporation, a General from any of the armed forces or mom will go out into the world without at least a plan for their daily, or weekly tasks. We must have our ABC together. 


The first word is moving. Moving means as in motion. I know some of you are saying, Well Duh but are you moving? Are you operating in your gift or just waiting? Gifts come without repents. Our gifts are given at birth and how and when we use them are up to us. To operate or move requires knowing the basics. 
Cynthia's ABC of moving  are:

A) Trust  God - the scriptures that most represent Trusting God are my all-time favourite is Proverbs 3:5-6. When we trust God for the big and the little in your lives and not in what we think we can get more accomplished. Trusting God is establishing your faith in him. If we don't trust (rely, depend on) God we will continue to miss the mark. We will repeat the tasks again. When we think we know what to do we need to pray and make sure it lines up with the will of God. Are you going to be the navigator, the driver or a passenger in Gods car? Which one are you?

B) Motion- Once you establish trust you can now get in motion. Move into the areas of where your gift is needed. There is always a need. Let's say you are a seamstress but you haven't figured out how to use your gift.  Go to the local high school or a nursing home and give a free lesson. You will help others that may want to learn and grow their gifts.  Get up and not wait for someone else to tell you what to do. God is already directing you so get in motion.

C) Faith to Faith -While in motion you go from faith to faith. Faith to faith is you become faithful on one level with God and you then move to the next level. Your faith is growing closer to your God-given purpose and away from your personal agenda. Faith can't be changed to what we want. Faith is our learning and living God's will so we can give the best to the world. 
Most of us would like to hit the ground running but it takes time to move ahead on purpose. Beware of the pitfall of rushing. If you move too swiftly, you can fall or cause someone else to fall.  Doubt and worry are others tools that will try to stop you. Reminded yourself of your foundation, Trust God. 

Now we are moving let's make sure we are going in the right direction, Forward. We may get tempted to go back and seat down but onward my Christian sister's soldiers. 

A) Onward - meaning to be in a continuing forward direction. While you are going onward it is only one way.  To live a life in purpose, you have to be onward in everything you do. You can't be on the sidelines expecting greatness.  You have to keep going. The path is before you and your feet must be on it.

B) Make Progress- You need to show progress along the way. To do this, you should make goals and plans. One of the newest goal setters or planners is a vision board. That is a great idea. You will need to collect magazines and newspapers. Then get a large piece of construction paper. Cut out pictures and words that represent the things you want to achieve and how you see yourself in the short and long term. Paste them on the board. Hang it up somewhere you will see it daily. This will motivate you to keep making progress. Most people hold vision board parties but you can do it on your own.

   I also would suggest that you write out the goals you want to achieve on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You should have goals of reading at least 30 minutes a day. Whether that on business, inspiration or just for fun. Take time away from the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Get away from the television and give your mind a good surge of knowledge.  

   Make quarterly and yearly action steps. Make yourself accountable to  God. If you need another person to help you with accountability, find a strong friend willing to pray and watch your progress. Someone that will not pat you on the back but will push you. If you don't have that then look into a life coach or mentor.

C) Successful Conclusion- the successful conclusion is not at your death. Your success is when you complete your goals or plans. When you have helped transformed someone life and you get a thank you. When you are moving forward in the will of God. Success will not always come in a monetary form. It will show up as a grateful child realizing that you were not mean but loving. It comes when the people at your job respects your choices and will not disrespect you. 

  When people see you as who you are now and not when you were back then, that is a success. Trust God that as you move forward in faith, you will grow. You will walk onward and not look back. Progress will be seen and you will have success in all areas of your life. 

I hope that these ABC'S will be a roadmap for you. Will it be easy? Well, that counts on You. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Do your ground work

March 14, 2018 0 Comments

The last blog I talked about moving forward. I was referring the eagle and soaring as us completing our purposes. My last thought was if you are a chicken there was groundwork to do. To do any work in the kingdom, we must know our position. Without that knowledge failure is definite. 

Once you ask God what it is, you are to do, and he tells you, now you can begin your work. Your groundwork is the daily preparation you do to get ready for our purpose.  To do work, you first must be grounded in the word of God. 

How can you say you represent him and you don't know him? 

The word of God has to become your source of everything. No word no power. The devil and his minions will beat you down if you don't have the power of a word. That power is the word of God backed up with the Holy Spirit. Don't believe go read in Acts 1:13-17 about the sevens sons of Sceva. Power of the word is deliverance and victory. You will not be about to succeed in your position with power and pray.

Please do not take prayer lightly. Prayer establishes of your faith. Reach heaven for yourself. Your prayer life has to be just as important as the word. Prayer is your gateway to God and his way of asking you. Jesus was clear on what we need to do. In, Matthew 7:7-8 he says. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."Jesus did not tell us to call the Pastor or the head of the intercessory ministry, no you ask. 

Once the word is in use, you can walk out your purpose. Now to walk in purpose is not always calling attention to it or tell anyone. Most of the time it is you learning what your purpose is. Learn what is and what is not for you. Everyone calling on the name of Jesus doesn't need or should be apart from your purpose. You will learn what works for you. Trust the process. Seek the guiding voice of God. The process will not be quick. Grow into it. No one in the Bible grown and walked purpose in a day. It takes time. Sometimes it less than a year. Others it can take many years. I mean like at David. He was anointed to be king at 13 but did not become King until he was  33. Don't rush. Stay in the process, learn from the process and grow through the process learn.

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Leave those chickens alone

March 07, 2018 0 Comments
As we begin the month of March, I would like for you to move forward. We are in the third month of the 2018 and destiny and purpose, should be our goals. We first must know what our destiny and purpose are. What is your destiny or purpose?
If you don't, ask God. Once you know something will change in of your life.
The first thing to go is our own dreams if they don't line up with the will of God. You can't fulfil his destiny with own your desires. You will need to surrender all and that includes dreams and desires which are self-serving. He is the only one that knows the outcome of our lives, so trust him. I know that this is women's history month and I will talk about women and their faith but for this example, I will use two men. 

Abram and Lot
One personal example of walking by faith in the Bible is Abraham. Before he was called Abraham, his name was Abram, and he made mistakes along the way to his destiny.
God had called Abram out from among his country, father's house and his kindred.Genesis 12:1 God needs him separated from everything that would hinder him in order for God to bless him.
Now you would think Abram would just follow God, but not so. He took Lot his nephew with him. Genesis 12:2 This was a big mistake. Abram takes Lot to a place he could not go. When God calls you to soar don't take a chicken with you.

Leave that chicken alone
Most of us will make this mistake. We will try to take a chicken to places only an eagle can go. Eagles and chicken may be from the bird family but they have two different behaviours.
When your purpose shows up, it is your purpose. Fulfil it on your own. Yes, there will be people that will come along and help but they can't do it for you. Most of us want to take a family member or a best friend along with us. The problem with is if they are a chicken you will get them killed. Look at Abram and Lot. They started out fine but bad things happened. First, the herdsmen's fought over the land they shared. Then Abram had to saved Lot for the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Eagles Flock Together 

As eagles, we shouldn't be in the company of chicken. Why because we will get them killed. Eagles flock together This is one trait of an eagle. 
Eagles do not flock with other birds. They hang out with each other. Eagles are unique in that way. Eagles love the highest of altitudes and most birds can't handle it. Same as us. When you are in your eagle's stance everybody cannot fly with you. The only one that can fly high is other eagles, not chickens.

Eagles Love Storms
Abram did not weather his storms good but Abraham did. Abram did things that pushed he blesses further away. He took his nephew with him when God said for him to go alone. He also would get his wife Sarai to lie. Sarai was beautiful so when men in authority saw her they would desire her. He would ask her to say she was his sister.This put them in dangerous situations when God had to step in. and correct the error in judgement. As Abraham, he believes God for a child in his old age. Then when God asked him to kill his only son, he walked to the altar trusting God for a different offering.
 Like eagles, we have to weather the storms of life. The eagle love to fly in the eye of the storm. They love to go higher. They allow the wind to push them higher without using their own energy. That remembers me of the scripture Isiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint.
We can fly through the storms knowing the outcome will be in our favour. Yes, the winds are blowing, hail and rain hit us in the face but we soar. Lighting and thunder all around us but we aren't fearful because we can get above the storm.  My sisters,  be the eagle in your purpose and destiny. Fly for only yourself. If you are a chicken right now don't worry about it. That just means there is the groundwork for you to do. If you are an eagle my sister mount up.