
Wednesday, October 10, 2018


October 10, 2018 0 Comments

The month of October stands for  OPPORTUNITY. Yes, I put it in capital letters because it is huge. There is so much we can do with opportunity. We can start an opportunity, be part of or end one.  Something will happen when we give an opportunity for a try.

They define the word opportunity as a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something:  This is such a powerful and important statement. There are things that will or must make something possible. That means that opportunity doesn’t just happen. There is a thought, a message, and action that brings it into being. Without that, opportunity turns into failure.

The above phrase is so true. An opportunity most of the time shows up as adversity. Think about it when an opportunity comes where were you? In pain, in a bad situation (loss of job, husband or wife) no money, battling an illness.  In the situation, something has to give. A circumstance will make you shift. You stop looking at the problem and see an opportunity. My example of this is the widow with a little oil. 

In the book of 2 Kings, chapter 4 verses 1-7 there is a story about a widow that came to the Prophet Elisha with a problem. Her husband passes leaving her and their children in debt. The creditors want her children as payment because she had nothing. He said to her what do you have in your house. She said a little oil. He told her to go get every vessel for your neighbors and not a few and then go into your house with your sons. When she went into her home, she pours the oil. When she did, it filled every vessel she had. She realizes that she still oil she told her son to get more vessel but there was no more. The next day she told the Prophet what happen, and he told her to sell the oil and pay off her debt. Opportunity.

Opportunity doesn‘t come as a “Yeah what a blessing” all the time. Sometimes it shows up as a” What is this new hell ". We have to learn to trust the message and not your eyes. Sometimes they can’t see the truth of a matter. God does not always reveal the outcome. He will see you through even when it does not look that way. The widow could have said, “You crazy I will find another way to take care of my debt”. She knows she only has a little oil in her house but she trusted in the man of God message. Her trust and action brought a miracle beyond measure and sent her into the overflow. What has God said to you your need to trust him about? That new house, job or relationship. Whatever God opportunity is for you trust the message and then work it out.

Thursday, September 06, 2018

His strength

September 06, 2018 0 Comments

The month of Septemeber will be the first month where I will deal with more that one subject. I will talk about strength and showing up. I believe they go together. Your strength comes from three places, God, you and others. This is like the accountability circle I talked about in August. God will always come first but this time you are second and others are last. The Bible has many scriptures that refer going to God for strength or he is our strength. I will use the scripture from Isaiah 40.29.  

They define strength as the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure:. This is a what we go through daily.   Pressures that come in the form of marital issues, teen peer pressure, a bad health diagnosis, loss of a loved one, loss of a job you have worked at for years and the list could go on and on. The great force or pressures in our lives would take over us if it wasn't for God's strength,  We would give up and check out. We wouldn't get up in the morning, go to work or be there for our families. In verse 29 it says He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. God shows up to be a support system when it would seem we do not have one. He will assist us when we are faint. When we are drained of all of our strength. He gives us power. The ability to move forward even when we don't want to. He allows us to move little by little. Grace and mercy are there following us so no one gets to close behind us to push us over the edge. Your might have left you but he will increase you. 
God will give the words, people and rest to make it through. 

When my son passed I don't know how I could handle that trauma. I was 20  and my son died at 2 years old on Thanksgiving day. I need God more than ever but instead; I rejected him. He hurt me.  How could a  loving God take my baby away?  God didn't get mad at me but strengthened me. He was keeping me when I did not want to be kept. He was directing my footsteps to my strong tower even when I did not know where I was going. I can say sometimes I lost my mind and if God had not place people where he did I would not have made it. 
His strength goes beyond our weakness and deals with pain. He is there saying "I got it let it go". "I can heal it if you just let it go"." I'm here". "Rest my child".  2 Corinthians 12:9  states  "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly, therefore, will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."  God let Apostle Paul know that no matter the situations he was there with him. His strength is made perfect in weakness. My son death could have stopped me from living. I could have relived his death daily but God strengthened me. At my weak point, God's grace was enough. Every second until I could make a minute he was there. Then the minute turned into minutes. The minutes turned until 5 minutes. From faith to faith. I wasn't perfect but his strength was. 
Trust in the strength of God. It will get you through even when you don't know how you are going to make it.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Approval not required

August 30, 2018 0 Comments

As the month of August ends, I want to put a thought in your mind. There is only one person approval you need, and that is God's. He knows what you are this earth to do and the plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). The plan is not up for debate. You will accomplish what God has set before you. You may like the plan or not. We spend too much energy trying to figure out how the plan will work. We will tell others (family, friends and even an enemy) what God has told us.  Most will seem happy for us and pray that everything we believe works out. Someone will tell us we need to rethink the plan because it does not seem right for us. Others will flat out say "You are crazy God did not talk to you, are you, Jesus, now" The approval of others isn't required to complete the plan. There are three types of people that will be in our lives and watch our assignment. I want to know them and what they bring to the table to help you complete your plan.

The Frenemies
 The frenemies are the friend that will turn into an enemy when you do not do what they want you to. Their hearts are in the right place at first but somehow they get turned around. A perfect example is Job, Job at the worse time in his life had three friends to come and console him. They came to speak to him about his calamity and then things took a turn for the worse, They accuse him of being proud full and that is why God was punishing him. They did not realize this was a part of God plan.
Everybody will not understand why you are going through the things you are going through, Gods plan don't always look like God's plan. Sometimes it looks like a failure (Children of Isreal at the Red Sea)but God is always there to rescue us. Job's friends could not see the plan nor know the outcome. When your friends turn into enemies pray for them and let God do the rest. The blessing is in your prayer. When Job prayed for his frenemies God gave him a double portion (Job 42:10). Your frenemies are your double portion bringers.

Family Love

Our families are the backbone for us as we start on the plan from God. They will encourage us, pray for and with us. They will even support us (with money) when asked. This is great but when family members belittle us or the mission we are on, it can hurt us to our core. Moses siblings did just that.  Miriam and Aaron, were angry with Moses because him married an Ethiopian woman and complained about Moses calling. They called into question were they, not prophets. Well, God heard this and called them out of the tabernacle and settled the matter. In Numbers 12: 6-9 God lets them know that he talks to Moses' mouth to mouth and no one should speak against his servant. God then plague Miriam with leprosy. Moses cried out for the Lord to heal her and he did in 7 days. Sometimes family has to watch what the say because they can bring a plague upon the house.

Church Folks

This one is important because everyone that claim Jesus will not be with you. Some will support and others will denounce your calling. They will see you grow in the church (Spiritually) and like you want to be more active but don't want you to be too active. You better not want more time with the Pastor or Minister. Don't teach Bible study or start a help ministry in the church. The church folk will try to call your past into your present. They did Jesus this way. When the son of God comes home to minister to his fellow neighbors, they not received him. Matthew 13: 56-58 they do not believe in Jesus because he grows up with them They know his family and so they could see the blessing in him.  He did not do many mighty works because of their unbelief. Everybody will not believe in you. They will see your When before they see yours now. 

  Most of us are so busy trying to please others and get them to like us we forget the only approval required is God's.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Accountability Circle

August 22, 2018 0 Comments
August stands for Accountability. They define the word accountability as a fact or condition of being accountable, responsible. We all have certain people, place, and things we are responsible for. Everyday responsibilities are part of life. We can't get around it no matter how hard we try. The Accountability circle is a way of seeing how what we do in the world affects everything around us. The accountability circle comprises three people God, Others and You. I will show why this circle is important, and it goes to make us better and stronger.

 Accountability Circle.

God First 

God is the head of everything. There is not one thing created that he doesn't know when, how or why.  There is not a gift or calling given without his approval. God knows why we are where and the road we will take. We may not know but God knows. There are several people in the Bible that questions God's decision about choosing them for their assignments. Jeremiah is one. He was a young prophet insecure about his calling. God explained the  "Whys" in three powerful statements. 

1) I formed you.  
God knows why we were created for this time. We are not an accident, mistake or surprise. We are his wonderful arrival. God formed us, not our parents. Yes, they had to make us but God predestined the time, place and the people that would be in our world. God's plan was formed long before we got here trust he knows what he is doing.

2, I sanctified you.
Being sanctified means to be set apart.  They separate us for certain things because they will negatively influence your assignment. God has set us apart. The assignment could not happen without you. The kingdom of God needs you to complete it. God told Jeremiah, and he is telling you too.  
Another for sanctified means is approved.  God has approved you for your assignment. No matter what it is and who you will affect you we are approved for it.

3. I Ordained you
God has assigned everyone to do something for the kingdom. Whether you do, it is another factor. Some of us look at the mountain and complain about the climb and won't go (Jonah). We think either we can't, we aren't good enough or just don't want to do it. The assignment is your and you will complete it no matter what you think or do.

Others Second

The following scripture gives a clear understanding of how we are to help each other. Jesus the son of God our Savior tells us we need to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.  You would think this would be easy. Loving myself how hard can that be. Inspect around we don't love ourselves so disliking someone else is easy. We are unhappy with ourselves most of the time because we are looking at other people and judging our selves by that standard.  We have to learn that we are all different and God likes it that way. He loves diversity because it promotes growth. When I love you because you are my sisters and not because we grow up in the same neighbor I am showing the love of God. 

When I am loving others like myself I can encourage, enlighten and empower them. I can pray for them and not expect anything in return. I can assist them with food or money by telling someone else the good deed I did today. Loving my family means just that love them.

You, Third

Last but definitely not least you. We are the apple of God's eye and we should also feel loved.  You were chosen, my sisters. He made you perfect for this assignment. He has been there from the beginning and will continue until the end. As we are a blessing to others God will send people to bless us as well. 
Jesus ministry did not run by him alone. He had 12 disciples. He had families that would allow him into their houses along the way to go to get a good meal and sleep from his long journeys  (Mary and Martha house to name one). Jesus had people that freely gave unto him without seeing him (Upper Room, the colt). Jesus was a minister too as well don't forget John the Baptist Moses and Elijah and the angels. We have so many ways God will show up to bless us that being loved should never be a question. Trust that no matter us how much you give out God has a supply to restore you. 

Accountability is not just a  word it is an assignment.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

August is for Accountability

August 02, 2018 0 Comments


   August will stand for accountability. We all have someone or something we are accountable for. Accountable to our parents to follow the rules of the home or there are consequences that will follow. Our teachers for the homework assignments they give us to expand our learning. Managers or us as the manager that others or accountable to for work assignments and daily tasks that help in making a job flow easier for everyone.

   No matter the areas of life you are in accountable will always be there. You will not get through this life without being responsible for your actions or inactions.  Responsible is a hard pill to swallow for some people. They don't want to do it and will do everything to avoid it. The sad thing about it being responsible is a daily task. Whether it is to yourself, husband, children, parents, or a job life is full of responsibilities.

   The first self-action we took on was walking. Some adult took the time to get us up and going. They placed us walking in walkers,  we walked on their feet and then we were standing but not moving. They called us and we thought about it and then sat down. Daily they called us and we would look at them but wouldn't move. Then one day we took the plunge we move one foot in forth of the other and as the song goes and the next thing we were walking across the floor. We become responsible for where we want to go. We became accountable for where our feet took us even in areas they not supposed to go. 

   Life continues to be that way. We are accountable for everywhere we go and everything we do. We can't pretend that if we don't act it will go away. No that's not how it works. We all have work to do and just because you may feel you can't or you don't want to changes the work you have to do.

Romans 11:29  says "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." That means you can use your gifts and call if you want to or not. Everyone has them how you use them is up to you. Now you may say will I choose not to what's the big deal I mean if everyone has them I need not use mine. That might be Okay if we all needed the gifts and calling given. The gifts are given for a reason and for a season. If you don't use them they will either stagnant someone gifts or stop someones calling. Do you want that on your plate when you get to heaven? I plan to go there free. Everything God gives me to do I want to do it so I can stand before him free. I want him to say "Well done my good and faithful servant come on in." I don't' want God to say that I left work undone. I hope that is not what God will have to say to you.

Today take a moment and see where you have some work undone. 
Do you have a call/or calls to make? 
An email you need to send out? 
A class you need to teach? 
A loved one you need you to hug? 
Thanking God just because he is God?

Whatever it is you are going to be held accountable for it. Make it a friendly exchange and not a hostile.

Thursday, July 05, 2018

GoodBye Fear Hello Freedom

July 05, 2018 0 Comments

My sisters, I decided that I would write a poem dedicated to releasing the fear in my lives and telling freedom to come on in.
I hope that you enjoy. 

Goodbye Fear, Hello Freedom

Hi Fear,
What’s going now, we need to talk. First let me just say that you have been a big part of my life. You have known me since I was a little girl. You have talked me through the good and bad in my life. You told me what to do and what not to do. You have guided my life even when I didn’t want you too. And because of this, I must break up with you. Please don’t act like you don’t see this coming.  I have been looking for something new and I have found it. See I have a new friend and he is offered something. He offers a life that he calls abundant. I like that idea.  He is nice to me. He does not laugh when I dream. He doesn’t scare me away from my purpose, but he pushes me toward it. He does allow the things that I don’t understand or know to keep me from growing. You held me back. You told me I can’t and couldn’t do things.
I know that you are confused at this sudden turn but let’s be honest this was coming. I see my future and it is full of blessings. If I stay with you I won’t have anything.  I will not allow you to use your scare tactic anymore.  I won’t be looking back and crying over all the “What If’s” and “Whys” of my life. No, I must move on and so do you. I’m sorry but this is not up for debate. I am done. My new friend is a man of integrity and has proved himself to me so many times I can’t count. I will be with Freedom for now on. Goodbye Fear.

Hey Freedom,
I just broke up with Fear. I know I told you that we were over, but I finally made up my mind. I finally realize what you have been telling me is true. I was brought to this earth with a purpose.  I must be around people that will support that. I could not allow fear and his friends worry, regret, and shame to be around me anymore. I must move forward. My future will come with some sacrifices like my fears, my friends and some family members that will not understand the path I am taking. The purpose will be seen so enough, and they will come back around. I hope they see me free and will take the same step to free themselves. I hope that they will let go of fear and let freedom take them higher.
I fear what the future holds but I trust the plans. I have a new-found freedom and I will soar into my destiny with you right next to me. I can hear you speaking truth to me. Guiding in the wisdom of my life and give me the understanding of my inheritance. I am one of the daughters of the Kingdom of God and I have a destiny that no one can change not even me.  I will walk proud and tall in my life journey with fear in the rearview mirror and freedom in my passenger seat.  Hello, Freedom, let’s ride.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Coulda,Shoulda and Woulda will kill you

June 26, 2018 0 Comments

Have you jumped yet? Have you pushed yourself to move forward? Still sitting? Looking at what could have been? Won't move because you think nothing ever good comes your way? Will let me say STOP IT? Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda will get you killed.

These three words will kill your destiny, dreams, and hopes. They are the roadblocks to all that God has for you. Constant killers and will make you regret every think you could do anything. Lot's wife is a perfect example. Looking at these roadblocks in the face killed her. 

These killer words will make you think things coulda been better. That you shoulda went in a different direction or woulda did things differently. Lies, I tell you lies. This is the way to stale your progress or stop it. Lot's wife looked back and what happened?

It defines Coulda, Shoulda, and as  An expression of dismissiveness or disappointment concerning a statement, question, explanation, course of action, or occurrence involving hypothetical possibilities, uncertain facts, or missed opportunities. That is a mouth full, but the truth is we sit around killing yourself on the if factor.  When the thoughts come and they will about lost possibilities, missed opportunities in your life you can look at them but don't stare. Don't get hung up on what wronged, the words you did not say or maybe the words you said. Be clear you will make a mistake but don't stay in the mistakes. Learn from it, grow in it and move forward from it. 

Lot's wife felt she was leaving something behind she needed. God had sent angels to get her family out of harm's way. Whether she knows it, she was saying to God that he was not intelligent enough to know to what she was leaving behind. I mean she looked back as if they left behind her husband or daughters. They were with her so want else did she need. I mean God sent angels as her own personal army and that was not enough. We think we are leaving something when we are going into something better.  Don't look back because you will need to explain yourself later to God.

Coulda, shoulda and woulda are the enemies to your dreams hopes and your life. Don't give into them because if you do it will stop you dead in your tracks.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Push Yourself

June 16, 2018 0 Comments

“All the girls jumped up and trimmed their lamps. Then the five who hadn’t any oil begged the others to share with them, for their lamps were going out. Matthew 25:7-8 LTB

This month I'm talking about jumping. It is important for you to take a leap of faith. Trust that God will take care of you no matter what the circumstance or situation. He is with you and that whatever life brings you can make it. 
(1 Cor.10:13)

 First, what does jump mean? They define the word jump as "push oneself off a surface and into the air by using the muscles in one's legs and feet." I love the first two words, push oneself. This is the perfect definition. We all need to push ourselves. This life is difficult.  Kermit the Frog says it best   "That ain't being green.". He wasn't lying. Being different in this world makes your life harder. Whether you are small or tall, black or white, Latino or not, disable or anything that people can see a difference between you and them life becomes harder. People may not like you because of your differences but that means they have to grow. God w bore you to achieve no matter the green in you. That's why you have jumped on every opportunity to live your life to the fullest. You are here for a purpose and let no one tell you different.

Now having said that you have to realize you have to push yourself. Have a determined mind that no matter what I will do it. There will have obstacles in your way whether other people stuff or your stuff. You will have the moments where you will to second guess your decision. Some may not have been the best way to go about but it's done. Fail but keep going. Push forward the purpose and destiny within you. Push yourself because no one else knows what you offer the world. Some may see a piece of it but not all.  

I have a personal checklist that works for me. I will share it with you maybe it can help you. It's called the Push Checklist list. It comprises only three bullet point but they are powerful:
1. Thank God
2. Appreciate yourself 
3. Go bless the world

I will explain all three a little further.


Thank God, you must thank him for all he has done. You would not be here without him. He breathed life into you so he has a plan . You are the apple of God's eye and just know that he wants nothing but the best for you and from you.  Thank him for the good and the bad. The days of joy and the days of sorrow. Learn to be thankful because life can make you bitter. Be mindful that there is some else in control and when you follow his plan you can Push yourself to do it.

Appreciate yourself, Life is hard enough without you doubting you. Appreciate the fact that you are where you are because growth needs to happen. Stop saying I'm are not in the right place or it is not the right time". Stop acting like you don't you. You keep criticising yourself for past failures, stuff that you did not do, the things you wish you had done, the people you wish you would have talked to, the job you should have taken. STOP IT. You are where you are for purpose and plan. You are learning a life lesson so you can go back and teach someone else. Stop making life that much harder on yourself. You are right where you need to be, now Push.

Go bless the world. Show off your gift. The word of God says that gifts are given with repentance. So why are you asking for forgiven for your gift? Everybody is not going to understand or appreciate the gift God gave YOU, God knows who will get you and like you and love you. Whether its two people or millions you have a gift to enhance world show it every day in every way and let God get the glory not you. 

Be the virgins with the oil in the lamp prepared to jump when the time comes. 

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Jumping in June

June 07, 2018 0 Comments

   Then you will jump up from your ambush and enter the city, for the Lord will give it to you. Joshua 8:7 TLB 

The month of June will stand for jump. What do you need to jump on? We are in the six months of 2018 have you been jumping or sitting? What are you sitting on that is prolonging your destiny and purpose?  

I couldn't find the word jump in the King James Bible but The Living Bible has plenty. The first scripture will come from one of my favorites books of the Bible, Joshua.  Joshua tells the children of Isreal that they had to jump and enter the city because the Lord has given it to them. In the King James version of this scripture, the word jump means to seize. I love that. We have to seize what the Lord has given us. Notice the Lord has given it to us but we have to jump or seize on it.

In your life, have you jumped before? Have you taken a chance on yourself and the destiny you believe God has given you? Does jumping scare you? I mean what would happen if you jumped and failed? Will you be embarrassed that people sawing you hitting the ground?  This prevents most of us from doing it, other people. Not the falling part I mean nobody wants to fail. We would be okay if we jump and fall and we were the only ones to see it.  When others are watching and judging us it takes on a different feel. Then the next time it seems impossible.

The Children of Israel had to jump. They would never get into the promised land if they stayed put. They had to seize. God would show his might in order for them to fight for power. The walls of Jericho fell by their faith in God but taken the city was by their actions to move on the word of God. They had to seize what was theirs. 

We have a promise from God.  In Jeremiah 29:11 it says  " For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. " God has a plan for your life. He made it from the moment he knows you and it has not changed. You can't alter the plans that God has for you because of fear or doubt. I know this because he says his plans s are for good and not evil.  
The devil and his friends will always try to get you to doubt or even fear your destiny and purpose. He will do the "you couldn't do that talk" and the "what will people say" scare. Don't listen to him remember what God says he wants you to have a future and a hope. Your present is not the end keep going more is to come.

   Jump don't fear the bottom it's just the ground and if you hit it get up there is always tomorrow.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

May 10, 2018 0 Comments

*Disclaimer: Everyone's mother doesn't fit this mother but you have someone in your life that does *

As we are coming upon Mother's Day I would like to ask of my sisters  a favor.  Can you have mercy on your mother? She was the superwoman of your world when you were younger. She was your total source. Your first teacher, cheerleader, supporter, protector and punisher. No matter the situation she was there for us. We were so in love with her and her word were gospel to us. We honored her then. 

Then changes happened. We had  a life apart from her. We made friends and then boyfriends and she then became your worst enemy. She went from being our  best friend to enemy number 1. When she speaks we only hear criticism not a concern. When we wanted to have fun hangout with the wrong crowd, we called her mean and a pest. I wish she would stay out of my life would come out of our mouths. We disrespect the source. 

Then life moves us away, and she is an everyday thought but no calls to her though. You know when you can call she will be there. She is excited about all the wonderful things happening in your life. The degree you earned, the new job and the new apartment that puts a greater distance between the both of you.  You are making moves she could only dream of in her day. You are self supporting not relying on noone and that makes her heart glad. 

Married with children, then you realize that woman was  a woman. Yes she was your shero when you were a kid but she was a woman. A woman that taught you to walk and talk. A woman that taught you to get up when you fell down and hug you when the hurt was too much. She was not perfect, but she was your mother. Have so mercy on her.

Life have not always been the best to her. She has fight wars you know nothing about. There has battle scar you have not and will never see. Crying, praying and fasting for you. She has been the lioness against those who would try to come for you. Did she do everything right no, but she tried? Regrets she has, disappointments she has and broken promises she made but show mercy. 

Mother's Day is on Sunday, please take a moment to say Thank you for all she has done and hasn't.  The rest of the year have mercy on your mom and remember life is about a turn back. You may one day be the shero to your own daughter or maybe your mother. 

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

God Equals Mercy

May 02, 2018 0 Comments
The month of May will stand for mercy. Mercy is a word that fits this month. In this month we have Mother's Day. The second Sunday in May is to show our appreciation for their sacrifices. They will receive candies, cards and flowers. Some mothers will go out for dinner or a nice home-cooked meal by their kids. This is done because our mothers have a sometime or another show mercy when it was not warranted. They could have punished us for talking back, not obeying the house rule but they didn't. They showed us mercy.  This is the same way God shows mercy towards us daily.
 The word mercy meaning is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. God shows his mercy daily. I can't think of the number of times when I know God could say I am done with this child of mine. Instead, he shows his love for me by not punishing me but blessing me to grow. He had mercy on me so I can be more like him and less like myself. 
In Psalms 85:10  it says  "Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other." We are surrounded by the virtues and characteristics of God. His mercy is one I love so much. I am like King David who speaks of God's mercy in the book of Psalm 99 times.  He understood God's mercy towards him.  Anointed king at age 13 but didn't become king until he was  35. Mercy was with him.   David had enemies and frienemies that wanted him dead. They saw who he was, and that was a threat.
Some of us can understand David's plot. He was a man chasing God as people were chased him. We all have a purpose and that means that everyone will not like. That means people will chase us to hinder or stop us from pursuing what God has called you for. Don't stop keep going when they say you can't or you shouldn't.  The Lord says you got it and I have friends to help you.
Maybe you don't know where to go for mercy scriptures that will see you through. I will give you a few below.  Like medicine use them when needed.
Mercy in times of trouble:" Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me and hear my prayer." Psalms 4:1
Mercy when sick: Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed. Ps. 6:2

Mercy when enemies: He shall send from heaven, and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. Selah. God shall send forth his mercy and his truth. Psalm 57:3
God is a keeper: He shall abide before God for ever: O prepare mercy and truth, which may preserve him. Psalm 61:7
God is for all: For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. Psalm. 86:5
These are just a few of all the ways God's mercies shows up for us. JUst one more. My favourite Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:  Psalm 23:6. Goodness and mercy are with us every day. Not only when It's sunny outside. No, every day they show you. They show up and follow us. They got our back. We got God above us. Jesus blood over us the Holy Spirit living in us and the goodness and mercy behind us what else do we need. We receive them daily you know?

We don't get leftover mercies. No, each morning they are new. Walk out your purpose God equals Mercy